Friday 6 July 2012

Inspiration Update #1

Since my last post, I've spent quite a bit of time planning out how I was going to tackle my latest project. 90% the way through, I came up with a better, simpler and potentially cheaper way of doing it. I still finished my initial plan to see if it was in fact feasible, which it was, though more expensive and much more complicated. My new revision of the implementation no longer requires transmission towers, in fact, to prototype, I only need to purchase a few new parts. For the rest, I already have the hardware required! So what I am learning now is networked multiplayer over an ad-hoc wireless connection. Right now, things are looking pretty good, one key element is functioning (tested it last night), I'm going to start learning networking, and the rest of the hardware is coming in next week. If everything works out semi-nicely, I should have my prototype up and running next weekend :-)

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